Bug of the Week - Vinegaroon
Meet our vinegaroon! We call her Balsamic Vinegrette. Vinegaroons are found across the world, including right here in North America! Our species comes from Florida and likes a humid tropical environment.
Vinegaroons are a type of arachnid, related to spiders and scorpions. They have 8 legs, with the front pair adapted to act as feelers. They have very poor eyesight, and use these feelers to find their way around.
The large “grabbers” in front of the head are used to pick up and move dirt so the vinegaroon can dig a burrow. They are also used to grab prey insects. Crickets are Balsamic’s favorite food!
The name “vinegaroon” comes from this creature’s unique way of protecting itself from predators. When startled, they can release a bad-tasting liquid that’s similar to vinegar!
Vinegaroons usually have a long antennae-like “whip” protruding from their abdomen. Our Balsamic is missing this whip, making her a very unique bug!
Want to meet Balsamic and other cool creatures? Book one of our insect parties for kids!