Bug of the Week - T. Ranch!

Meet T. Ranch, one of our Honduran curly haired tarantulas! This species comes from South America and is named for the fluffy hairs covering its body.

These hairs are sensitive and can detect vibrations and changes in air flow around her, helping her locate prey and avoid danger.

Like our other tarantulas, T. Ranch loves eating crickets! She digs a burrow in the dirt where she spends most of her time hiding and resting. Unlike other spiders who use a web to trap prey, tarantulas spread webbing in and around their burrow to help stabilize it and to sense when prey are walking by.

T. Ranch is venomous like all tarantulas, but her venom can’t harm a person. She is quite popular at our shows and events and is happy to take a walk on a kid or adult’s hand! She uses her venom to catch her cricket prey and doesn’t try to bite people.

You can meet T. Ranch and other tarantulas at one of our insect parties!

Book us today!


Bug of the Week - Tailless Whip Scorpion